Building our resilience and collaboration spirit

Building our resilience and collaboration spirit
Building our resilience and collaboration spiritPicture:ED-Ed - Animation by Sarah Saidan)

About the project

The project invites our students and teachers to reflect on all the current problems but also to act upon as a digital citizens. The aim of the project is to create opportunities for the social interaction of young people by fostering intercultural dialogues among young people from different countries and helping them develop a mutual understanding. Specifically, the project will focus on human rights and tolerance, awareness for policies for migration, cultivating the interdisciplinary spirit among students, collaboration and resilience and learning the values of respect.
Students will be engaged in searching for material so as to compose their own research, as well as offer information on their own countries to other participating schools. There will be different sub-topics in each partner-country. Awareness of our own cultural identity is extremely important, especially in an era where the phenomenon of globalization is leading younger generations towards forgetting about their origin and culture. Activities will be aimed at promoting human rights, the idea of the school as a place for constructive and creative learning, participation in life as an aware citizen of the particular country and of the European and International community.
During: For the training lectures, presentations and demonstrations will be used along with more active and interactive methods such us workshops, hands-on activities, collaborative learning by design project and study trips, discussions and online interactions. The participants are expected to be active, collaborative and creative. In the field work trainees observe, research information, collect material for learning multimedia objects, and take interviews in order to produce learning materials and stories.
After: The participants will evaluate the program and will continue to interact online, after the face-to- face session, in dissemination and follow-up actions.
We hope that the end result of this synergy will be a decrease of of human rights violations in society, at least by the participating students, as a deeper appreciation of diversity promotes tolerance and understanding. This will be assessed at the beginning, middle and end of the project. We hope to get statistically significant and detectable results.
The Experimental Lyceum of the University of Macedonia is one of the two schools associated with the University of Macedonia, based in Thessaloniki, Greece. It implements modern and innovative educational, pedagogic, and teaching methodological approaches aiming to contribute to the improvement of secondary education in Greece. Since it is staffed with teachers that have been awarded either PhD or postgraduate degrees and the quality of the education offered is supervised by the school's Scientific Supervisory Board and the national Administrative Committee for Experimental Schools, offers a multitude of activities (extracurricular activities, excellence clubs, theater group, choir, etc.) to its students, including opportunities to participate in national and international projects (cultural and environmental projects, career orientation projects, robotics competitions, Comenius and eTwinning programs, etc.).
The Experimental High School of University of Macedonia tries to provide the most quality education and specialized knowledge to the students, designing and implementing innovative teaching proposals, as our teachers show a interest in experimenting with innovative teaching practices. The school cultivates a European orientation through participation in European projects (ΚΑ1, KA2, e-twinning, EuropeanSchool WebRadio, Teacher4europe, Jean Monnet, ODS, Unicef, Actionaid, Pestalozzi).

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